Each record makes up a line, ending in the tilde (~ - ascii 126) + html hard return tag + CR/LF. The field delimiter is the vertical bar (| - ascii 124).
A few steps are needed for making the file ready for import:
1) Remove the html codes and general information in the head and tail.
2) Substitute the end-of-record character (~) and the html hard return tag at
the end of each line with the one(s) used for import by your database (often none).
3) Substitute the field delimiter character (|) with the one(s) used for import
by your database (e.g. ",").
4) Substitute the html codes for the extended ascii characters with the characters
used by your system.
Before doing point 2 and 3, above, make sure that the character sequences you wish to use do not occur in the file.
Type of field: An = alphanumeric, up to n characters; Nn.m = numeric, up to n digits and m decimals; Memo = Alphanumeric, length not fixed.
- Accession number in the indicated herbarium (N6)
- Uncertain determination code (A1): A = aff., C = cfr, L = s. lat, S = s.str, ? = Possibly
- Genus (A17)
- Specific epithet (A19)
- Infraspecific rank (A1): S = ssp., V = Var., F = f.
- Infraspecific epithet (A13). Abbreviated at the 12th character with a full stop at position 13, if neccessary
- [Norwegian redlist status (A2) - no longer in use, but this position may be used for country in a future version]
- County (A24)
- Municipality (A25)
- Locality (Memo)
- UTM - first letter set (A2)
- UTM - second letter set (A2)
- UTM - first E/W-number (A3)
- UTM - second E/W-number (A3)
- UTM - first N/S-number (A3)
- UTM - second N/S-number (A3)
- Map (A8) - M711-series
- Source of UTM data (A1): E = label, other codes = various interpretations
- Map datum (A1): E = European Datum 1950, W = World Geodetic Standard 1984
- Uncertainty in UTM data (A1): C = ca.
- Latitude, degree (N2)
- Latitude, minute (N2)
- Hemisphere (A1): N = North, S = South
- Longitude, degree (N3)
- Longitude, minute (N2)
- Hemisphere (A1): E = East, W = West
- Source for lat./long. data (A1): E = label, other codes = various interpretations
- Map datum (A1): E = European Datum 1950, W = World Geodetic Standard 1984
- Uncertainty in lat./long. data (A1): C = ca.
- Altitude-1 (N5): First (if interval) or only (if precise) altitude
- Altitude-2 (N5): Second (if interval) altitude
- Meter/feet (A1): M = Meter, F = Feet
- Source for altitude data (A1): E = label, other codes = various interpretations
- Uncertainty in altitude data (A1): C = ca.
- Ecologi (Memo)
- Year of collection (N4)
- Date of collection (N2.2): MM.DD
- Collector(s) (Memo)
- Collection number (Memo)
- Type of revision (A1): C = Conf., D = Det., R = Rev., V = Vidi
- Revisioner (Memo)
- Year of revision (A4)
- Computerization status in BG and O (A1): * = Species fully computerized
- Herbarium (Memo)
- Date of latest edit (A10)
- Comments (Memo)