World distribution: The species belongs to a not fully understood complex (see under Notes below) that is widespread in oceanic to suboceanic areas. The complex occurs in Europe, North and South America, East Africa, the Solomon Islands, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand (Degelius 1935, Lye 1969, Purvis 1992g, Wedin 1993). In Europe the species is suboceanic, being most frequent in the western part, and extending eastward into the central European mountains (Nimis 1993, Degelius 1935). In the British Isles it is local and rather rare (Purvis 1992g). In Scandinavia it is restricted to Norway
Ecology: Results. The substrate (indicated in 41 localities) was more or less moss covered rocks (41; including rock walls (31) and big boulders (4)), more rarely trunks of Betula pubescens (1), peat cutting (1), decayed stems of Calluna vulgaris, and decayed moss covered stump (1). The habitat (indicated in 22 localities) was coastal rock (recorded as 'maritime', 'near the sea' and 'rocks above the Lichina pygmaea zone'; 5), deciduous forests (3), and Quercus forest, Pinus forest, mixed Betula-Picea forest, coastal heath, and mixed forest of Betula sp., Sorbus aucuparia and Salix caprea in a ravine (all 1). In several localities the habitat was recorded as shaded and/or humid. The aspect was northern (18), northeastern (1), and eastern (1). Discussion. Sphaerophorus melanocarpus usually occurs on north-facing rock walls, rarely on other substrates and with other aspects. The species occurs in areas with an annual mean precipitation above (1000-) 1300 mm (Lye 1969). It is mainly a forest species, but occurs also in coastal heaths
Threats: Results. Two of the five investigated localities were assumed to be threatened by planting of Picea (3663) and building on the site (3658)
Status: Results. The species was not given priority during the field work. Three old localities were investigated; the species was present in all. Four new localities were discovered. The species may be abundant at several localities (e.g. 3637, 3657, 3658). There are no protected localities