World distribution: The species is known only from Japan and Norway (Yoshimura 1968a, Tønsberg 1978, Botnen & Tønsberg 1988). In Japan it is restricted to the high mountains (Yoshimura 1968b)
Ecology: Results. The substrate (indicated in 7 localities) included rock with a layer of soil (4), on the ground on soil rich in humus (2), and on naked soil on upturned stumps of Picea abies along gravel roads (1). The habitat (indicated in 4 localities) was P. abies forest (1), P. abies plantations (2), and coastal Juniperus communis-Calluna vulgaris heath above the tree limit (1). In two sites (1409, 1410) it occurred in or at the edges of P. abies plantations, outside the range of spontaneous P. abies in Norway. Discussion. The species is terricolous in coastal P. abies forests and in coastal heath. It may prefer disturbed microsites within forests. The occurrences on naked soil on upturned stumps indicate ability for rapid colonization. The species is apparently a weak competitor, occurring as a pioneer on bare soil and disappearing when the vegetation closes up
Threats: Results. Assumed threat was forestry (1). Discussion. Being a weak competitor, a possible threat is modern forest management with planting of P. abies which ultimately will develop into stands too dense for the species to survive. In Osterøy (1409) it most probably vanished due to formation of a closed, dense canopy of P. abies
Status: One old locality (1409) was investigated. In 1983 the species occurred here in a young and open P. abies plantation; in 1993 the species was not found and assumed extinct. No new localities were found. The species is apparently rare in the coastal P. abies forests of central Norway, an area and a habitat which have been intensively investigated over the last decade. However, the occurrence in one site above the tree limit in coastal heath, a common habitat poorly investigated by lichenologists, makes it likely that the species is more widely distributed than hitherto known. The species probably belongs in one of the categories R, V, or V+. One site is in a P. abies plantation just outside a nature reserve (2368, Dølaelva)
Specimens in other herbaria, litterature, etc.