Leptogium magnussonii Degel. & P.M. Jørg.


Red list categories: Norway: K , Sweden: V , Finland: - , EU: ?

By The threatened macrolichen project, - updated 11.08.1996.
[Map] Sources for map data: All relevant herbaria and literature
Abbreviations, map symbols and standard references
Norwegian distribution: The species is known from one locality in Vestfold and two in Hordaland - Counties:: Vf, Ho. - Vegetation regions: boreonemoral and lowland belt of coastal section. - Altitude: Near sea-level

World distribution: According to Jørgensen (1994a) the species is known only from coastal areas of southern Norway and southwestern Sweden. The species also occurs in Central Europe (Jørgensen, pers. comm.)

Ecology: Discussion. According to Jørgensen (1994a) L. magnussonii is a species of fresh-water seepage on exposed, silicious rock outcrops. Recent, unpublished finds from Central Europe (Jørgensen, pers. comm.) indicate that the species is not basically maritime as originally thought. It seems confined to acidic, seepage rocks that have been slightly eutrophicated, e.g. by agricultural or maritime influence

Threats: Results. None. Discussion. Abrasion by man and building on the site may represent threats at the sites in Borre and Stord

Status: This newly described species (Jørgensen 1994a) has not been investigated in the field