Letharia vulpina (L.) Hue
Red list categories: Norway: V+, Sweden: V+, Finland: Ex, EU: +
By The threatened macrolichen project, - updated 11.08.1996.
[Map] Sources for map data: All relevant herbaria and literature
Abbreviations, map symbols and standard references
Norwegian distribution: Letharia vulpina has a southeastern distribution in Norway. The species is found from Telemark to Sør Trøndelag, with a center in Hedmark and Oppland
- Counties:: Ak-Bu, Te, MR, ST. - Vegetation regions: middle and northern boreal. - Altitude: 400-900 m
World distribution: The species occurs in Europe, North Africa, Cyprus, the Caucasus, and western North America (Ahlner 1948, Gams 1955). The European distribution includes Fennoscandia and central Europe south to Spain and Italy (Schade 1954, Gams 1955). It avoids atlantic parts of Europe and is absent from the British Isles. Even though the species has a continental distribution in Scandinavia, the distribution shows an oceanic tendency at a world-wide scale. The species is particularly common in the Alps (Ahlner 1948).
The Scandinavian distribution is mapped by Ahlner (1948). Letharia vulpina is extinct in Finland, and is not known from Denmark (cf. Alstrup & Søchting 1989). There are two centers of distribution in Sweden: one in northern Dalarne and southern Härjedalen (adjacent to the Norwegian center), and one in southern Sweden where it is restricted to human-made habitats like fenceposts and old, unpainted wooden houses (Degelius 1946b, Ahlner 1948). The species is now almost extinct in the southern center (Ingelög et al. 1984)
Ecology: Results. Letharia vulpina is in Norway mainly restricted to dead pine trees (54 records). In many cases no information was given as to whether the dead trees were decorticated or not, but dead wood was frequently mentioned as substrate. The species was also recorded from burnt wood (2). Standing dead trunks, as well as twigs and stumps of Pinus sylvestris were recorded as substrates. There were, however, also a few records from bark of living pine trees, from Picea abies (2), Betula sp. (2), Juniperus communis (1), and human made substrates like houses (3) and fence posts (1). Natural habitats were isolated, often dead trees in bogs (14), or old stands (14) with scattered trees near bogs or close to the timberline.
Discussion. Letharia vulpina seems to be restricted to localities with long ecological continuity, and often grows on old trees. While other lichens of old-growth forest seemingly prefers more or less productive forests where they get some kind of shade or shelter, L. vulpina in Scandinavia thrives on wood even in sunny positions (Degelius 1946b, Ahlner 1948), also outside forests. The species is extremely photophilous (Barkman 1954, 1958), intolerant of canopy shade, and finds a niche in very open stands where waterlogged soils, nutrient-deficient soils and/or low temperatures limit growth and survival of trees. In other parts of Europe it normally grows on bark (Ahlner 1948, Gams 1955) and is confined to habitats with no direct radiation from the sun, but with ample diffuse blue skylight (Stoutesdijk & Barkman 1992: 127). The blue-shade adapted L. vulpina is expected to have its optimal habitats in areas with a prevailing clear sky at high altitudes.
Letharia vulpina is intolerant of snow cover (Ahlner 1948, Barkman 1954), and is strongly frost resistant and highly acidophytic (Barkman 1958). Lange (1965) found that L. vulpina has a maximum CO2 uptake at only 7 °C, only slightly depressed at 0 °C, and still half the optimum at -5 °C. The species could therefore possibly be physiologically active also in milder periods during the cold season. Due to convectional cooling because of its relatively fine branches, L. vulpina thalli are not strongly heated even in dry condition (Kershaw 1983)
Threats: Results. Recorded threats were forestry (8) and cutting for firewood (5).
Discussion. Ahlner (1948) stated that Letharia vulpina is probably the lichen species which is most sensitive to human disturbance. The species has its main occurrence in high-altitude Pinus sylvestris forests where low growth rates often limits commercial forestry. Forestry may destroy some localities by eliminating recruitment of the dead standing pine trees which are crucial for recolonization. Other threats are, however, probably more severe. Increase in recreational activities implies higher needs for dry firewood in remote areas. Ignorant tourists can easily cut down a good L. vulpina tree for the purpose of getting a cup of coffee. The species obviously also appeals aesthetically to man, and is sometimes used for decoration. The species is therefore one of few lichens for which collection represents a threat. Drainage of bog areas in the summer farm region for improving grass production for animal husbandry is another threat, as is a locally high elk population which may reduce or eliminate pine regeneration
Status: The number of known localities has increased considerably, from 32 to 120, since the previous Norwegian distribution map was published (Jørgensen & Ryvarden 1970). Despite the species was not given priority in the field work, as many as 22 new localities have been discovered since 1990. Only two old localities were visited, and intact populations were recorded in both. Most localities have a limited numbers of trees carrying the species, and a limited number of thalli on each tree. Populations seem to be rich and numerous only in two areas, Skjåk (3660) where it was recorded on some thousands of trees in a relatively continuous area of about 2 km2, and in the Femundsmarka National Park
Notes: There are two old records, in Nord-Trøndelag (2742, Schübeler 1886; no material available) and Finnmark (1431), respectively. These records are apparently the basis for including the two counties in the distribution of the species by Krog et al. (1980) and Santesson (1993). These records seem doubtful, and are rejected here..
Specimens in other herbaria, litterature, etc.
AKERSHUS, NANNESTAD, Snellingsrøysa, UTM: PM 01 82, alt.: 490-617 m, , 1987, Korsmo H. a23 (NLH)
BUSKERUD, FLÅ, Vassfaret, Nedre Nevlinghaugen, UTM: NN 224 121, alt.: 760-780 m, , 1993, Solås A. (Solås pers. comm.)
BUSKERUD, FLÅ, Gråkollen, UTM: NM 375 981, alt.: 700 m, 5-6 tørrgadder, ca. 0,5 m2 med ulvelav tilsammen, 1993, Wergeland Krog O.M. (NLH)
BUSKERUD, RINGERIKE, S-SW of Godly, UTM: NM 503 946, alt.:, On SW-side of dead Pinus sylvestris in W-facing slope, 1994, Dokk J.G. & Krog, O.M.W. (NLH)
BUSKERUD, RINGERIKE, S of Rognlihøgda, UTM: NM 527 864, alt.:, On SW-side of standing dead Pinus sylvestris stem, 2.5 m tall at the edge of an old forest bordering a bog, 1994, Dokk J.G. & Krog, O.M.W. (NLH)
BUSKERUD, ROLLAG, Vegglifjell, øst for Langevann i Votnedalen, UTM: NM 029 529, alt.: 870 m, , 1993, Hågvar S. (Hågvar inv.)
HEDMARK, ALVDAL, Limåsmyra, UTM: NP 913-923 846-858, alt.: 820-880 m, , 1976, Eggset M. (TRH)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, Larsholm, UTM: UK 57-58 06-07, alt.: 800 m, , , Nissen K. (Lynge 1921: 207)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, Elgaaen, UTM: PP 53-54 96-97, alt.: 670 m, , , Nissen K. (Lynge 1921: 207)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, Gutulia nasjonalpark, UTM: UJ 51-56 76-83, alt.:, , , ? (Korsmo & Larsen 1994)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, mellan vägen Lillebo och berget Härjehågna, UTM: UJ 50 63, alt.:, , 1895, Vrang E.P. (BG)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, mellan vägen Lillebo och berget Härjehågna, UTM: UJ 50 63, alt.:, , 1895, Vrang E.P. (DUKE)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, mellan vägen Lillebo och berget Härjehågna, UTM: UJ 50 63, alt.:, , 1895, Vrang E.P. (UPS)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, Grøtådalen, UTM: UK 50-59 00-10, alt.:, på Pinus, 1916, Nissen K. (Ahlner 1948: 57)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, Fæmunden, Rødalen, UTM: UJ 50-52 42-44, alt.: 900 m, , 1921, Nissen K. (BG)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, Fæmunden, Rødalen, UTM: UJ 50-52 42-44, alt.: 900 m, , 1921, Nissen K. (S)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, 9 km W om Setra, UTM: , alt.:, på törrtallar i myrmark, 1934, Ahlner S. (S)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, 9 km W om Setra, UTM: , alt.:, på törrtallar i myrmark, 1934, Ahlner S. (UPS)
HEDMARK, ENGERDAL, 5 km N om Setra, UTM: , alt.:, på torrtall samt på torr tallkvist, 1934, Ahlner S. (S)
HEDMARK, LØTEN, Killingkjølen mellom Mållia og Gitvola, UTM: PN 20 67, alt.: 650-700 m, Rikelig på gammel tørrfuru, , Høgholen E. (Høgholen pers. comm.)
HEDMARK, LØTEN, Killingkjølen mellom Mållia og Gitvola, UTM: PN 21 65, alt.: 650-700 m, Rikelig på gammel tørrfuru, , Høgholen E. (Høgholen pers. comm.)
HEDMARK, LØTEN, Killingkjølen mellom Mållia og Gitvola, UTM: PN 21 66, alt.:, Rikelig på gammel tørrfuru, , Høgholen E. (Høgholen pers. comm.)
HEDMARK, LØTEN, Killingkjølen mellom Mållia og Gitvola, UTM: PN 22 65, alt.: 650-700 m, Rikelig på gammel tørrfuru, , Høgholen E. (Høgholen pers. comm.)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, Rendalens almenning, UTM: , alt.:, , , Schübeler (BG)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, Rendalens almenning, UTM: , alt.:, , , Schübeler (TRH)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, Rendalens almenning, UTM: , alt.:, , , (TRH)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, nedaför Sølenfjeld, UTM: , alt.:, på tall, 1853, Larsson L.M. (S)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, vid foten av Sølenfjeld, UTM: , alt.:, på Pinus sylvestris, 1853, Kindberg N.C. (UPS)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, vid slutet av trädregionen på Sølenfjeld, UTM: , alt.:, , 1853, Kindberg N.C. (UPS)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, Aursjøfjellets W-sida i barrskogsregionens övre del, UTM: NP 99-00 66-68, alt.:, død Pinus, 1896, Sernander R. (Samuelsson 1915: 364)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, Jutulhogget, UTM: , alt.:, on an old trunk of Pinus, 1971, Moberg R. & Jørgensen P.M. 1559 (UPS)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, Fuggdal, UTM: PP 230 510, alt.:, , 1987, Korsmo H. a5 (NLH)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, NE for Sølenkroken, UTM: PP 33-34 78-79, alt.:, , 1988, ? (Korsmo & Larsen 1994)
HEDMARK, RENDALEN, ca. 1 km NE for Elvbrua, UTM: PP 38 52, alt.:, , 1991, Riddervold H. (Riddervold pers. comm.)
HEDMARK, STOR-ELVDAL, Lauvåsen, UTM: NP 880 370, alt.: 900 m, , 1994, Gundersen, K.T. (Gundersen pers. medd.)
HEDMARK, TRYSIL, , UTM: , alt.:, , , Blytt M.N. (BG)
HEDMARK, TRYSIL, , UTM: , alt.:, , , Blytt M.N. (TRH)
HEDMARK, TRYSIL, , UTM: , alt.:, , 1829, Moe N.G. (BG)
HEDMARK, TRYSIL, , UTM: , alt.:, , 1829, Moe N.G. (TRH)
HEDMARK, TRYSIL, , UTM: , alt.:, på kirketak, 1830, Møller (S)
HEDMARK, ÅMOT, Øst Fjælabuhøgda, UTM: PN 25 67, alt.: 620 m, Forekommer rikelig på stor tørrhalla., 1988, Høgholen E. (Høgholen pers. comm.)
MØRE OG ROMSDAL, RAUMA, Slettafjell, UTM: MQ 48-50 11-13, alt.:, på utdøende Pinus sylvestris, 1904, Havaas J.J. (BG)
MØRE OG ROMSDAL, RAUMA, Slettafjell, UTM: MQ 48-50 11-13, alt.:, på utdøende Pinus sylvestris, 1904, Havaas J.J. (C)
MØRE OG ROMSDAL, RAUMA, Slettafjell, UTM: MQ 48-50 11-13, alt.:, på utdøende Pinus sylvestris, 1904, Havaas J.J. (DUKE)
MØRE OG ROMSDAL, RAUMA, SE for Kabben, UTM: MQ 478 029, alt.: 740 m, twigs of Pinus sylvestris, 1982, Madsen S. & Loe J. (TRH)
MØRE OG ROMSDAL, SUNNDAL, Gjøra, UTM: NQ 05-07 34-38, alt.:, , 1990, Leren Ø. & Gjøra L.T. (Jordal pers. comm.)
OPPLAND, GAUSDAL, ved Karsjøen, Dokkelva, UTM: NN 399 876, alt.: 790 m, på Pinus, 1982, Teodorsen P. & Gauslaa Y. (NLH)
OPPLAND, GRAN/JEVNAKER, Aurtjern (locality not precisely given), UTM: NM 697 950, alt.: 400-480 m, , 1988, Korsmo H. a21 (NLH)
OPPLAND, LESJA, vid foten av Rånåkollen, UTM: MQ 55 010-015, alt.:, Pinus, , (Schübeler 1886: 214)
OPPLAND, LESJA, Storåi i Losdalen, UTM: MP 748 840, alt.: 900 m, , 1987, Gaarder G. (Gaarder pers. comm.)
OPPLAND, NORD-FRON, Kvikne, UTM: NP 31-33 26-28, alt.:, Paa furutræer, , (Schübeler 1886: 214)
OPPLAND, RINGEBU, Fåvang, Oppsalåsen, UTM: NP 662 127, alt.: 680 m, på to tørre furustokker nær toppen, helt utilgjengelig, 1976, Hjelmstad R. (TRH)
OPPLAND, RINGEBU, Helakskletten, UTM: NP 83 37, alt.: 920 m, , 1991, Riddervold H. (Riddervold pers. comm.)
OPPLAND, SEL, Rustdalen, UTM: NP 16 58, alt.: 700 m, , 1992, Gaarder G. & Jensen H. (Gaarder inv.)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Gudbrandsdalen, by Billingseter, UTM: , alt.:, , 1908, Havaas J.J. (DUKE)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, ved Billingseter [Billingen?], UTM: MP 40 75, alt.:, Pinus, 1908, Havaas J.J. (BG)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, ved Billingseter [Billingen?], UTM: MP 40 75, alt.:, Pinus, 1908, Havaas J.J. (S)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Pollfoss, UTM: MP 42 70, alt.:, döda grenar av en levande tall, 1937, Ahlner S. (S)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Pollfoss, UTM: MP 42 70, alt.:, döda grenar av en levande tall, 1937, Ahlner S. (UPS)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Billingen seter, UTM: MP 40 76, alt.:, døda grenar av levande tall, 1937, Ahlner S. (S)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Nordberget, UTM: MP 55 64, alt.:, trädgärdesgård vid landsvägen, 1937, Ahlner S. (S)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Stamå bro, E om Pollfoss, UTM: MP 452 689, alt.:, tallskog, på tallgrenar, 1937, Ahlner S. (S)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Grotli, UTM: MP 28 76, alt.:, , 1968, Fries M.E. (S)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Pollfoss, UTM: MP 42 70, alt.:, on twigs of Picea abies, 1970, Tibell L. 4232 (UPS)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, 1 km E of Pollfoss, UTM: MP 43 70, alt.:, on old stump of Pinus sylvestris, 1970, Tibell L. 4222 (UPS)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, near Billingen, UTM: MP 40 75, alt.: 700 m, on Pinus-wood, 1979, Tønsberg T. 3956 (BG)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, Bottsætri, vest for Pollfoss, UTM: MP 387 713, alt.: 740 m, , 1989, Gaarder G. (Gaarder pers. comm.)
OPPLAND, SKJÅK, On an island in Heggbotnvatnet, UTM: MP 485 681, alt.: 572 m, , 1992, Korsmo H. a4 (NLH)
OPPLAND, SØNDRE LAND, Vestås, ved Bredviktjern, UTM: NN 585 233, alt.: 610-640 m, Myrdrag. På furugadd, 1994, Nybakke J. (Haugen pers. comm.)
OPPLAND, SØR-AURDAL, Vest for Hellisæren i Vassfaret, UTM: NN 253 195, alt.: 930 m, , 1991, Gaarder G. (Gaarder inv.)
OPPLAND, SØR-FRON, 0,5 km NO om Øvre Dalseter pensjonat, UTM: NP 24-26 155-160, alt.: 950 m, ett ex på bark av levande Pinus, 1 m over bakken, 1960, Kilander S. (S)
OPPLAND, SØR-FRON, Strax E om Langtjern, UTM: NP 235-240 175-180, alt.: 900 m, ca 10 ex på død, naken gren och på bark, 1960, Kilander S. (S)
OPPLAND, VÅGÅ, Stuttgonglii, ca 600 m N for Birisjøen (landskapsvernområde), UTM: MP 985 271, alt.: 990 m, På gadd, 1993, Håpnes A. (Håpnes inv.)
OPPLAND, VÅGÅ, Stuttgonglii naturreservat, UTM: MP 974 278, alt.:, På furugadd, 1994, Håpnes A. (Håpnes pers. comm.)
OPPLAND, ØSTRE TOTEN, Torsæterkampen, UTM: PN 057 173, alt.: 820 m, , 1992, Gaarder G. (Gaarder inv.)
OPPLAND/SØR-TRØNDELAG, DOVRE/OPPDAL, Dovre, UTM: , alt.:, , , Kindberg N.C. (UPS)
SØR-TRØNDELAG, RENNEBU, V-sida av Grana, UTM: NQ 35 65, alt.:, på halvdød Pinus i myrkant, 1972, Forbord E. & Flatberg K.I. (TRH)
SØR-TRØNDELAG, RENNEBU, Brattskarvbekken, UTM: NQ 364 623, alt.: 770 m, tørrkvist på stor furu, lyngrik fururabbe, vindeksponert, 1975, Moen A. (TRH)
SØR-TRØNDELAG, RENNEBU, Leverdalen, Nerskogen, 75 m SE for Leverdalsstugu, UTM: NQ 355 624, alt.: 695 m, på greiner av tørruru, 1980, Hjelmstad R. (TRH)
SØR-TRØNDELAG, RØROS, Stenfjellet, UTM: PQ 38-43 20-28, alt.:, , , Lynge B. (Lynge 1921: 207)
SØR-TRØNDELAG, RØROS, Nordviken - Muggsjøerne, UTM: UK 45-50 24-26, alt.:, , 1917, Nissen K. (Ahlner 1948: 188)
SØR-TRØNDELAG, RØROS, Fæmunden, nær Sørvika, UTM: PQ 49 23, alt.:, , 1918, Lynge B. (BG)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 146-148 672-678, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 153-155 711-712, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 141 679, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 151 669, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 148 634, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 186 616, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 142-147 617-627, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, NORE OG UVDAL/SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 101 742, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, NORE OG UVDAL/SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 094 776, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton, in lit.)
BUSKERUD, NORE OG UVDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 099 742, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton, in lit.)
BUSKERUD, NORE OG UVDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 088 769, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, NORE OG UVDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 101 733, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, NORE OG UVDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 091 765, alt.:, , 1996, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 172 689, alt.:, , 1995, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, [s. loc.], UTM: NM 168 698, alt.:, , 1995, Hofton, T.H. (Hofton in litt.)
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, Trillemarka, UTM: NM 178 697, alt.:, , 1996, (Skullerud, Ø. (in litt.))
BUSKERUD, SIGDAL, Vest for Venlifjell, UTM: NM 140 680, alt.:, , 1996, (Kjærnet, D. (in litt.))