Parmotrema crinitum (Ach.) M. Choisy


Red list categories: Norway: E , Sweden: - , Finland: - , EU: +
Fennoscandian responsibility species

By The threatened macrolichen project, - updated 11.08.1996.
[Map] Sources for map data: All relevant herbaria and literature
Abbreviations, map symbols and standard references
Norwegian distribution: The species is known from 11 localities in the coastal lowlands of southwest Norway - Counties:: VA-SF. - Vegetation regions: nemoral and southern boreal, and lowland belt of coastal section. - Altitude: From about sea-level to 80 m

World distribution: The species is widely distributed, but lacking from boreal and arctic regions (Du Rietz 1924, Hale 1965, Purvis & James 1992c). In Europe, it is distributed in the western parts, reaching inland to the Alps and the Carpathians (Degelius 1935). In northwest Europe it shows a southwest and northwest British Isles to western Norway disjunct distribution. In Fennoscandia, it is restricted to Norway

Ecology: Results. The substrate (indicated in 10 localities) was more or less moss covered rock walls and boulders (8), bark of Quercus sp. (2), at the base of Betula sp. (1), and decayed wood (1). The habitats (indicated in 9 localities) varied from shaded to open, and included humid deciduous forests (2), coastal rocks (2), Quercus-Corylus scrub (1), Quercus forest (1), Betula forest (1), broad-leaved deciduous forest (1), and boulder fields (1). Two sites were situated in cultural landscapes. The aspect was northern (2), western (1), southeastern (1), and northeastern (1). One specimen was from a sheltered ravine. Discussion. In Norway Parmotrema crinitum occurs on moss covered rock (mainly rock walls), more rarely on bark of Quercus spp. and on wood. The species may occur in exposed sites like maritime rocks, as well as in sheltered ravines. In the British Isles the species grows on more or less moss covered bark of broad-leaved trees and on silicious rock outcrops in sheltered as well as exposed situations (Purvis & James 1992c)

Threats: Results. Recorded threats are planting of Picea (1471, 288), trampling (3407), overgrowth (3407, 291), building on the site (1469, 288, 290), woodland management (288, 290), and cultivation (291). In some sites (873, 298), collecting may have contributed to the deterioration or extinction of the species

Status: Eight old localities were investigated; the species was present in two sites, regarded as extinct in three, and as uncertain in three. One new locality was discovered. The species seems to have declined strongly. There are no protected localities

Specimens in other herbaria, litterature, etc.

  • HORDALAND, AUSTEVOLL, Litle Karlsøy, UTM: KM 82 63, alt.:, på berg ved stranda, 1981, Øvstedal D.O. (BG)
  • HORDALAND, BØMLO, Mosterhavn, UTM: , alt.:, , 1912, Havaas J.J. (DUKE)
  • HORDALAND, BØMLO, Sætravik, UTM: KM 84 10, alt.:, on N-facing rocks close to the seashore, 1978, Tibell L. 7998 (UPS)
  • ROGALAND, KARMØY, Sandve, UTM: KL 82 65, alt.:, i lågt Quercus-Corylus-kratt, 1968, Øvstedal D.O. (BG)
  • ROGALAND, RENNESØY, Prestvågen vest av Vikevåg Prestegårdsskog, UTM: LL 103 558, alt.: 15-20 m, , 1994, Johnsen J.I. (BG)
  • ROGALAND, RENNESØY, Prestvågen, UTM: LL 103 558, alt.:, On S-exposed rock in a Quercus forest, 1994, Johnsen J.I. (BG)
  • ROGALAND, SOKNDAL, Seljuåsen vid Regefjord, N-sluttningen, UTM: , alt.:, klippor, 1932, Degelius G. (BG)
  • ROGALAND, SOKNDAL, Seljuåsen vid Regefjord, N-sluttningen, UTM: , alt.:, klippor, 1932, Degelius G. (UPS)
  • ROGALAND, SOKNDAL, Rekefjord, Skardåsen, UTM: LK 40 69, alt.:, i mosskledd rothals av en bjørk, 1939, Hasselrot T.E. (S)
  • ROGALAND, STAVANGER, Forusstranden, UTM: LL 129 329, alt.:, på Quercus i Quercus-blandingsskog, 1988, Johnsen J.I. (BG)
  • SOGN OG FJORDANE, SELJE, Ytre Stadtlandet, øst fra Drage, UTM: , alt.:, på sten, 1969, Kavlie T. (UPS)
  • SOGN OG FJORDANE, SELJE, Stadtlandet, SE om Drage, UTM: , alt.:, på norrsidan av block i sydsluttning, 1969, Hakelier N. & Kavlie T. (BG)
  • SOGN OG FJORDANE, SELJE, Stadtlandet, SE om Drage, UTM: , alt.:, på norrsidan av block i sydsluttning, 1969, Hakelier N. & Kavlie T. (S)
  • SOGN OG FJORDANE, SELJE, Stadlandet, in the SW slope SE of Drage, UTM: LP 04 91, alt.: 20 m, sheltered rocks, 1971, Moberg R. & Jørgensen P.M. 1594 (BG)
  • SOGN OG FJORDANE, SELJE, Stadlandet, in the SW slope SE of Drage, UTM: LP 04 91, alt.: 20 m, sheltered rocks, 1971, Moberg R. & Jørgensen P.M. 1594 (UPS)