Ramalina elegans (Bagl. & Carestia) Jatta


Red list categories: Norway: I , Sweden: + , Finland: I , EU: E

By The threatened macrolichen project, - updated 11.08.1996.
[Map] Sources for map data: All relevant herbaria and literature
Abbreviations, map symbols and standard references
Norwegian distribution: Ramalina elegans is known from a single locality, an island in southeastern Norway - Counties:: Vf. - Vegetation regions: boreonemoral. - Altitude: Below 20 m

World distribution: The species is rare in Europe (Poelt 1969). It has, according to Skytén (1993), been reported from Italy, the Alps, the Carpathians, Balkan, Spain, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway. The species is southeastern in Sweden, distributed from Småland to Hälsingland (Skytén 1993)

Ecology: Results. There are no ecological data on the label of the Norwegian specimen. The locality was visited, but the lichen was not found. The site was, however, rich in R. fastigiata and R. calicaris. Discussion. Ramalina elegans seems to have a wide ecological amplitude. Most Scandinavian specimens are found on old, deciduous trees in graveyards or manors (Skytén 1993), while central and southern European specimens are from humid mountain forests (Poelt 1969). Recorded substrates in Sweden and Finland are Acer platanoides, Fraxinus excelsior, Malus sp., Quercus robur, Picea abies, Populus tremula, Salix caprea, Sorbus aucuparia, Tilia sp. and Ulmus sp. (Skytén 1993)

Threats: Results. Forestry was recorded as a possible threat (1). Discussion. The locality data are unfortunately inexact. Picea abies is planted over parts of the island, and forestry hence represents a threat, although it is not known if plantations are made at the collecting site. Like most Ramalina species, R. elegans may be highly sensitive to air pollution. In Britain, Ramalina spp. are only found in areas with less than 30 µg SO2/m3 (Hawksworth & Rose 1970)

Status: The species was not relocated at its single known locality in Norway, but its status is still regarded as uncertain. Several Ramalina specimens were collected on the island and tested by TLC, but all represented R. fastigiata. Ramalina elegans has not been collected in Norway since 1919. The species was, however, not known from Norway until Skytén (1993) reported the species as new to Norway and Sweden during a search for the species among collections of R. fastigiata and R. sinensis in Scandinavian herbaria. Since the species is likely to inhabit the upper canopy (like other Ramalina species), and since it has frequently been confused with Ramalina fastigiata, it may have been overlooked. The site is not protected