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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 6
Record number: 1 1 6 8 4

  • Llano, GA 1965: Review of Umbilicaria Hoffm., and of the Lasallias. - Hvalradets Skrifter [Oslo] 48: 112-124. [RLL List # 59 / Rec.# 11684]
    Abstract: 3 fig. [New: Lasallia pustulata var. papulosa (Ach.) comb. nov. with f. labradorensis (Hult.) comb. nov., f. laceratula (Vain.) comb. nov., f. fenestrata (Hav.) comb. nov., and var. pertusa (Rass.) comb. nov., L. pennsylvanica var. caucasica (Lojka) comb. nov., var. hispanica (Frey) comb. nov.; L. glauca var. ruwenzoriensis (Frey) comb. nov.]
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    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.04.OK