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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 7
Record number: 1 8 4 7 2

  • Thomson, JW 1963: The Lichen Genus Physcia in North America. - Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia, Heft 7. J. Cramer.. viii + 172 pp. [RLL List # 46 / Rec.# 18472]
    Abstract: 47 maps. 47 fig. on 27 pl. [Price: $15.00. Recognition of 47 species; keys. New: Physcia syncolla fo. aurantiacopulchra fo. nov., P. elaeina fo. pyrithocardia (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., P. sect. Brachysperma subsect. Albida (Vain.) stat. nov. and subsect. Sordulenta (Vain.) stat. nov., P. phaea (Tuck.) comb. nov., P. halei sp. nov., P. subtilis fo. ascendens fo. nov., P. intermedia fo. stellata (Lynge) comb. nov., P. albicans (Pers.) comb. nov. with fo. hypomela (Tuck.) comb. ov., P. pseudospeciosa sp. nov., P. ciliata fo. fibrillosa fo. nov., fo. erythrocardia (Tuck.) comb. nov., fo. delicatula fo. nov., fo. squamulosa fo. nov., P. endococcinea fo. lithotodes (Vain.) comb. nov., P. orbicularis fo. albociliata (B. de Lesd.) comb. nov., P. sciastra fo. salina (Erichs.) comb. nov., P. pulverulenta fo. superfusa (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., P. muscigena fo. isidiata (Lynge) stat. nov., P. grisea fo. isidigera (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., P. picta fo. erythrocardia (Tuck.) stat. nov.]
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