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Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 9
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  • Elix, JA 2001: A Revision of the Lichen Genus Paraparmelia Elix & J. Johnst. - Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 80, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart. 224 pp. [RLL List # 185 / Rec.# 22649]
    Abstract: 126 fig. 5 tab. [World treatment, with descriptions and a key to 83 species. New: Paraparmelia barda (Brusse) comb. nov., P. crawfordensis sp. nov. (South Australia, New South Wales, Western Australia), P. fynbosiana sp. nov. (South Africa), P. gemmulifera sp. nov. (South Africa), P. juxtata sp. nov. (Queensland, New South Wales), P. oveana sp. nov. (South Africa), P. pristiloba (Brusse) comb. nov., P. tzaneenensis sp. nov. (South Africa), P. valdeta sp. nov. (Queensland), P. wirthii sp. nov. (South Africa), P. xerica sp. nov. (South Australia), Canoparmelia alabamensis (Hale & McCull.) comb. nov., Xanthoparmelia lecanoracea (Müll. Arg.) comb. nov., Canoparmelia rupicola (Lynge) comb. nov.]
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