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  • Frisch, A. 2006: The lichen family Thelotremataceae in Africa. A revision with special consideration of the taxa from Cameroon and Tanzania. - In: Wirth, V.: Contributions Towards a New Systematics of the Lichen Family Thelotremataceae. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 92, J. Cramer, Berlin and Stuttgart, pp. 3-370. [RLL List # 203 / Rec.# 28647]
    Abstract: [Monographic treatment with 38 accepted taxa, keys. Many new collections from Cameroon and Tanzania and numerous new records for Africa. The author designates 18 lectotypes, lists 35 new synonyms and cites specimens and distribution ranges from other parts of the world. Appendix includes a list of 47 excluded or dubious names. New: Acanthotrema gen. nov., A. brasilianum (Hale) comb. nov., Ampliotrema Kalb. gen. nov., A. amplius (Nyl.) Kalb comb. nov., A. discolor (Ach.) Kalb comb. nov., A. lepadinoides (Leight.) Kalb. comb. nov., A. palaeoamplius (Aptroot & Sipman) Kalb comb. nov., A. auratum (Tuck.) Kalb comb. nov., Chapsa eitenii (Hale) comb. nov., C. aborosella (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. alstrupii sp. nov. (Tanzania), C. cinchonara (Fée) comb. nov., C. recurva (Salisbury) comb. nov., C. diploschistoides (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., C. kalbii sp. nov. (Cameroon, Guatemala), C. leprieurii (Mont.) comb. nov., C. leucocarpa (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. patens (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. platycarpa (Tuck.) comb. nov., C. platycarpella (Vain.) comb. nov., C. pseudophlyctis (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. zahlbruckneri (Redinger) comb. nov., Fibrillithecis gen. nov., F. platyspora (Harm.) comb. nov., F. insignis (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., F. vernicosa (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., Leucodecton biokense sp. nov. (Equatorial Guinea), L. compunctellum (Nyl.) comb. nov., L. elachistoteron (Leight.) comb. nov., L. nuwarense (Hale) comb. nov., L. tarmaguliense (Sethy, Nagarkar & Patward.) comb. nov., L. fissurinum (Hale) comb. nov., L. occultum (Eschw.) comb. nov., L. sorediiferum sp. nov. (Cameroon), L. subcompunctum (Nyl.) comb. nov., L. glaucescens (Nyl.) comb. nov., M. plurifarium (Nyl.) comb. nov., M. neoterebrans sp. nov. (Cameroon, Tanzania), Ocellularia homopasta (Nyl.) comb. nov., O. africana sp. nov. (Cameroon), O. bipindensis sp. nov. (Cameroon), O. cameroonensis sp. nov. (Cameroon), O. eumorphoides sp. nov. (Cameroon, Kenya), O. flavisorediata sp. nov. (Cameroon), O. leioplacoides (Nyl.) comb. nov., O. postposita (Nyl.) comb. nov., O. vezdana nom. nov. (for O. subterebrata Vězda non O. subterebrata (Nyl.) Zahlbr.), O. zenkeri sp. nov. (Cameroon), Thelotrema euphorbiae sp. nov. (Tanzania), and T. zimbabwense sp. nov. (Zimbabwe).
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