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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 8
Record number: 2 8 8 2 2

  • Kalb, K. 2007: New or otherwise interesting lichens. - In: Kärnefelt, I.; Thell, A.: Lichenological Contributions in Honour of David Galloway. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 95. J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin-Stuttgart, pp. 297-316. [RLL List # 207 / Rec.# 28822]
    Abstract: [New: Bilimbia poliocheila (Vain.) comb. nov., Catillochroma gen. nov., C. albocincta (Degel.) comb. nov., C. anaglyptica (Kremp.) Kalb & Hafellner comb. nov., C. endochroma (Fée) comb. nov., C. intermiscens (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. leptocheila (Tuck.) comb. nov., C. melanotropa (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. pulverea (Borr.) comb. nov., Coenogonium barbatellum sp. nov., (Queensland), C. davidii sp. nov. (Queensland), C. riparium (Vain.) comb. nov., C. minutissimum sp. nov. (New South Wales), C. platysporum sp. nov. (Northern Territory), Cryptolechia carneoluteola (Tuck.) comb. nov., C. caudata sp. nov. (Kenya, New South Wales), C. geoicoides (Vain.) comb. nov., Megalaria granulosa nom. nov. (for Lecidea melaleuca Tuck. in Nyl.), M. intermixta (Nyl.) comb. nov., M. ochraceonigra (Räsänen) comb. nov., M. trachonoides (Nyl.) comb. nov., Punctelia jeckeri (Roum.) comb. nov. (syn. Punctelia ulophylla (Ach.) van Herk & Aptroot), P. toxodes (Stirt.) Kalb & Götz comb. nov. (syn. Parmelia ruderata Vain.), Tephromela connivens (Müll. Arg.) comb. nov. and T. promontorii (Zahlbr.) comb. nov. New distribution records are also included as well as a key to species now placed in Cryptolechia.
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    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.04.OK