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Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 9
Record number: 3 4 7 3 5

  • Suárez, A./ R. Lücking 2013: Sticta viviana (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales: Lobariaceae), a new species from Colombian paramos. - Lichenologist 45(2): 153-157. [RLL List # 231 / Rec.# 34735]
    Keywords: Cundinamarca/ Guasca/ Bogotá/ lichen/ Marilandia/ Sticta fuliginosa
    Abstract: Abstract The new species Sticta viviana A. Suárez & Lücking is described from Colombian paramos. It superficially resembles S. fuliginosa s. str. but differs by the small lobes with a shiny surface, the strongly branched, corymbose isidia, the dark lower tomentum, the smaller, usually sessile and urceolate cyphellae with one papilla-like outgrowth per cell of the basal membrane, and the K+ orange-yellow medulla. In contrast, Sticta fuliginosa s. str., as represented by the type material, a sequenced topotype, and specimens from North America and Colombia falling into the same clade, is defined by an uneven lobe surface, simple to branched but not corymbose isidia, a pale lower tomentum, larger, immersed to erumpent cyphellae, with each cell of the basal membrane having 2-4 papillae, and a K- medulla. The new species is not closely related to S. fuliginosa s. str. but falls within a clade of several, as yet undescribed, species with S. fuliginosa gross morphology. Copyright © British Lichen Society 2013.
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    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.07.OK