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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 7
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  • Ohmura, Y./ G. Thor/ A. Frisch/ H. Kashiwandani/ K. H. Moon 2014: Increase of Lichen Diversity in the Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo, Japan. - Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science 49: 193-217. [RLL List # 236 / Rec.# 35548]
    Keywords: Air pollution/ bioindicator/ crustose lichens/ macrolichens/ monitoring/ urban area
    Abstract: The lichen flora in the Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo, was investigated in 2009–2013. A total of 98 species of lichens and related fungi were found during the investigation, which is almost doubled compared to a previous study in 1995–1996 when 57 species were discovered. Eight species found in 1995–1996 were not found again in 2009–2013. A Total of 106 species has been found during the investigations in 1995–1996 and 2009–2013. Enterographa hutchinsiae and Porina leptalea are reported as new to Japan, while Arthonia pertabescens, Aspicilia cinerea, Chaenotheca hygrophila, Coenogonium pineti, Cresponea japonica, Endocarpon petrolepideum, Graphis handelii, G. scripta, Lecanora leprosa, Lithothelium japonicum, Normandina pulchella, Pertusaria pertusa, Sculptolumina japonica, and Thelidium japonicum are new to the Imperial Palace Grounds. Forty-six species could only be determined to genus and three species are indicated as Lichen sp. for the specimens collected through both investigations in 1995–1996 and 2009–2013. Twenty-three of the species determined only to genus and as Lichen sp. are also new to the investigated area. The increase in lichen diversity is probably caused by the reduction of air pollution due to new regulations regarding exhaust emissions from automobiles in and around Tokyo, established in 2003.
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    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.07.OK