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  • Gasparyan, A./ Aptroot, A. 2016: Verrucaria juglandis, a new corticolous lichen species from Armenia. - Herzogia 29(1): 103-107. [RLL List # 244 / Rec.# 37848]
    Keywords: Lichens/ taxonomy/ Juglans/ riparian forest/ South Caucasus
    Abstract: The corticolous Verrucaria juglandis is described as new to science. It grows on Juglans regia roots along river banks, infrequently submerged, in a riparian forest. It is associated with lichens that are normally saxicolous.
    – doi:10.13158/heia.29.1.2016.103

    Notes: New: Verrucaria juglandis Gasparyan & Aptroot (from Armenia).
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    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.04.OK