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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 9
Record number: 3 9 2 4 8

  • Elix, J.A./ Mayrhofer, H. 2017: New species and new records of buellioid lichens (Physciaceae, Ascomycota) from New Zealand. - Telopea 20: 75-84. [RLL List # 249 / Rec.# 39248]
    Abstract: Amandinea rangitatensis Elix & H.Mayrhofer, Buellia haywardii Elix, A.Knight & H.Mayrhofer, B. maungatuensis Elix & H.Mayrhofer, B. papanui Elix & H.Mayrhofer, and Tetramelas allisoniae Elix, H.Mayrhofer & Glenny are described as new to science. Rinodinella fertilis var. hypostictica (Elix) Elix is recorded for the first time from New Zealand. Tetramelas allisoniae also occurs in Tasmania.
    – doi:10.7751/telopea11334

    Countries/Continents: New Zealand/Australasia
    Notes: New: Amandinea rangitatensis Elix & H.Mayrhofer (from New Zealand), Buellia haywardii Elix, A.Knight & H.Mayrhofer (from New Zealand), Buellia maungatuensis Elix & H.Mayrhofer (from New Zealand), Buellia papanui Elix & H.Mayrhofer (from New Zealand), Tetramelas allisoniae Elix, H.Mayrhofer & Glenny (from Australia and New Zealand).
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    Number of hits shown/total: 1/1.
    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.07.OK