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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 9
Record number: 3 9 9 6 3

  • Woo, J.-J./ Kös, L.L./ Farkas, E./ Park, C.-H./ Hur, J.-S. 2017: Cryptothecia austrocoreana (Arthoniales, Arthoniaceae), a new species from South Korea . - Mycobiology 45(4): 338-343. [RLL List # 252 / Rec.# 39963]
    Abstract: Cryptothecia austrocoreana is a new lichen species from South Korea. The species is characterized by the presence of a heteromerous thallus and faveolate ascigerous area (ascomata) immersed in a slightly raised thallus. The species has muriform ascospores, (4)6-8-spored 8-11 × 3-4 septate, (34)36-48(51) × (17)19-23(25) μm. Atranorin, chloroatranorin, and barbatic acid are present. In the phylogenetic tree, C. austrocoreana belongs to the arthonioid clade in Arthoniaceae.
    – doi:10.5941/MYCO.2017.45.4.338

    Countries/Continents: South Korea/Asia
    Notes: New: Cryptothecia austrocoreana J.-J.Woo, L.Lőkös, E.Farkas & J.-S.Hur (from South Korea).
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    Number of hits shown/total: 1/1.
    Number of records in database: 43116.
    Current date: 2024.07.04.OK