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Data set(s): RLL + Work File
Period: 1 5 3 6 - 2 0 1 9
Record number: 8 2 8 7

  • Henssen, A/ Jørgensen, PM 1990: New combinations and synonyms in the Lichinaceae. - Lichenologist 22(2): 137-147. [RLL List # 140 / Rec.# 8287]
    Abstract: [New: Anema cernohorskyi (Servit) Henssen comb. nov., A. prodigulum (Nyl.) Henssen comb. nov., Cryptothele laatokkaensis (Vainio) Henssen comb. nov., C. rhodosticta (Taylor) Henssen comb. nov., Gonohymenia heppii (Mull. Arg.) Henssen comb. nov., G. iodopulchra (Crozals) Henssen comb. nov., G. minnesotensis (Fink) Henssen comb. nov., G. polyspora (Magnusson) Henssen comb. nov., G. schleicheri (Hepp) Henssen comb. nov., Metamelanea caesiella (Th. Fr.) Henssen comb. nov., Paulia myriocarpa (Zahlbr.) Henssen comb. nov., P. pyrenoides (Nyl.) Henssen comb. nov., P. schroederi (Zahlbr.) Henssen comb. nov., Peccania arabica (Mull. Arg.) Henssen comb. nov., P. teretiuscula (Flagey) Henssen comb. nov., P. tiruncula (Nyl.) Henssen comb. nov., Pterygiopsis coracodiza (Nyl.) Henssen comb. nov., P. umbilicata (Vezda) Henssen comb. nov., P. haematina P. M. Jørg. & Henssen nom. nov., Thelignya groenlandica (Dahl) Henssen comb. nov., T. lignyota (Wahlenb.) P. M. Jørg. & Henssen comb. nov., Thyrea confusa Henssen sp. nov., T. pachyphylla (Mull. Arg.) Henssen comb. nov., and T. pachyphylla (Mull. Arg.) Henssen var. laxa (Mull. Arg.) Henssen comb. nov.]
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