
Often, A. 1998. Smalt dunkjevle Typha angustifolia som neofytt i Hedmark. Blyttia 56:94-95
Typha angustifolia as an alien in Hedmark county, south Norway.

The species is reported as new to Hedmark county. The patch of suitable habitat where the species occurs, is maximum 23 years old, so the population must have become established within this period. The nearest localities are 40 km away. While T. latifolia is increasing its range in Eastern Norway, establishing on roadverges and in ditches, there has not been any previous reports of T. angustifolia acting this way. The species is rare, with few recent finds.

Anders Often, Norges Landbrukshøgskole, Institutt for biologi og naturforvaltning, postboks 5014, N-1432 Ås.

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