
Grøstad, T. & Often, A. 1998. Begergullurt Amsinckia retrorsa Suksd.: "Subtropisk" åkerugras etablert i Brunlanes, Larvik. Blyttia 56:151-153.
Amsinckia retrorsa Suksd. established at Brunlanes, Vestfold county, South Norway.

Amsinckia retrorsa Suksd. is reported from Brunlanes, Larvik municipality, Vestfold county, South Norway. The species was first collected on arable land in 1992. Since then it has been found at five sites, three on arable land, and two on waste dumps. The local agricultural authority regarded the species as a troublesome barley weed, and the primary locality at Anvik, Donavall was heavily treated with herbicide in the years 1993-95. Nevertheless, the species was vigorous at the locality in 1997. The origin of A. retrorsa at Brunlanes is unknown.

Trond Grøstad, Eikelundveien 8, 3290 Stavern
Anders Often, Norges landbrukshøgskole, Institutt for biologi og naturforvaltning, Postboks 5014, 1432 Ås

Blyttia 56(3)
Blyttias hjemmeside
Lagt ut 26.1.1999 Jan Wesenberg