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  • Boerhave,H 1720: Index alter plantarum quae in Horto Lugduno-Batavo aluntur. - \Lugd. Batav.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33239]
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  • Linder,J 1720: Swenska färgakonst med inländske örter - och mineralier. - \Stockholm. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34281]
    Keywords: DYEING
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  • Plucknetius,L 1720: Opera omnia, Edit. I. Lond. 1720. Edit. II. 1796, continens "Phytographiam" (1691), "Almagestum botanicum" (1696) et "Amatheum botanicum" etc. 1705. - \Lond.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33238]
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  • Buxbaum,J C 1721: Enumeratio plantarum in agro Hallensi et locis vicinis crescentium. - \Halae, Magdeb.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 23248]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: Halle
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  • Scheuchzer,J J 1723: Itinera Helvetiae alpina. - \Lugd. Batav.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33272]
    Abstract: similar to Scheuchzer 1708.
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  • Rajus,J 1724: Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum. - \Londini. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33484]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
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  • Hellwing,G A 1726: Supplementum Florae Prussicae. Gedan. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33309]
    Keywords: PRUSSIA\RUSSIA
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  • Boerhave,H 1727: Historia Plantarum, quae in horto acad. Lugd. Batav. crecunt etc. - \Romae, 2 Vols.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33240]
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  • Vaillant,S 1727: Botanicon Parisiense, ou dénombrement par ordre alphabétique des plantes, qui se trouvent dans les environs de Paris. - \Leide et Amsterdam. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33425]
    Keywords: FRANCE
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  • Buxbaum,J C 1728: Centuriae 5 plantarum minus cognitarum, compl. plantas circ. Byzantium et in Oriente observ. Cent. I et II, 1728; Cent. III, 1729; Cent. IV, 1733; Cent. V, 1740. Petrop. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33684]
    Keywords: TURKEY
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  • Michelius,P A 1729: Nova plantarum genera juxta Tournefortii methodum disposita. Cum tab. aen. 108. - Tip. B. Papirini\Florentiae. 234 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33139]
    Abstract: morphology of lichens on p. 73-74
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  • Celsius,O 1732: Catalogus Plantarum circa Upsalium sponte nascentium. - Actis literariis Sueciae\ : 9. [Mattick Rec.# 33636]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
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  • Coeler,A F 1732: De Usnea seu Musco cranii humani. - \Leid.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34282]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
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  • Mead 1735: Schedula, qua Lichenis cinerei terrestris (Peltigerae caninae) cum pipere mixti usum commendat contra hydrophobiam. - \London. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34283]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
    Abstract: Peltigera canina
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  • Zannichelli,G 1735: Istoria dell piante che nascono per lidi intorno a Venezia. - \Venezia. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34947]
    Keywords: ITALY
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  • Linnaeus,C 1737: Flora Lapponica. Amstelodami 1737; Ed. II curante Smithio 1791. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33637]
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  • Deering,C 1738: Catalogus Plantarum circa Nottinghamiam nascentium. - \Nottinghamiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33485]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
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  • Amman,J 1739: Stirpium rariorum in imperio Rutheno sponte provenientium icones et descriptiones. - \Petropolis. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33871]
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  • Gronovius,J F 1739: Flora virginica. - \Lugd. Batav.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33744]
    Keywords: USA\VIRGINIA
    Abstract: 2 vols., 1739-1743
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  • Hjaerne 1739: (De lichene islandico). - \K. Wetensk. Handling. I: 163. [Mattick Rec.# 34284]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
    Abstract: Cetraria islandica
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  • Reaumur,R A F de 1739: De lichene minimo, qui ad muros adnascitur eosque denigrat. - \Commentariis Acad, reg. Scient. 1729: . [Mattick Rec.# 33872]
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  • Haller,A 1740: Iter helvetium et iter hercynicum. - \Gottingae. 120 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 23517]
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  • Royen,A van 1740: Florae Leidensis Prodromus. Lugd. Batav. 1740. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33589]
    Keywords: NETHERLANDS
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  • Dillenius,J J 1741: Historia Muscorum, in qua circiter sexcentae species veteres et novae ad sua genera relata describuntur et iconibus genuinis illustrantur. - \Oxonii. (i)-xvi, 1-576 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33055]
    Abstract: morphology of lichens on p. 56, 75, 124.
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  • Brückmann,F E 1742: Itinerariae epistolae. Cent. I. 4. Epist. 55: Plantae Sylvae Hercyniae anno 1740. - \Guelpherbyti. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33312]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Haller,A von 1742: Enumeratio methodica stirpium helveticorum. - \Göttingae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33273]
    Keywords: SWITZERLAND
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  • Fabricius,P C 1743: Primitiae Florae Butubacensis. - \Wezlar. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33313]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: Butzbach near Giessen
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  • Spoering,H de 1743: De Musci Islandici felici usu, cum uterus hydratibus plenus foret. - \Swensk. Acad. Handling. 1743: . [Mattick Rec.# 34285]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
    Abstract: Cetraria islandica
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  • Hjaerne,U 1744: Om Heedgräset (Lichen islandicus L). - \Act. Holm. (K. Svenska Wetenscaps-Acad. Handlingar) 5: 170-180. [Mattick Rec.# 33873]
    Keywords: CETRARIA
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  • Gorter,D de 1745: Flora Geldrico-Zutphanica. Harderov. 1745. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33590]
    Keywords: NETHERLANDS
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  • Linnaeus,C 1745: Öländska och Gothländska Resa etc. ar 1741. - \Upsala. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33874]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
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  • Seguier,J F 1745: Plantae Veronenses, seu stirpium, quae in agro Veronensi reperiuntur, methodica synopsis. 2 vols. - \Veronae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33543]
    Keywords: ITALY
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  • Heinze,J G 1747: Disputatio de muscorum notis et salubritate. - \Göttingen. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34286]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
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  • Linnaeus,C 1747: Wästgöta-Resa. etc. ar 1746. - \Stockholm. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33875]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
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  • Aspelin,E 1749: Flora oeconomica. - \Carol. Linnaei Amoenitates Academiae, seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae etc. I: . [Mattick Rec.# 34287]
    Keywords: USE
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  • Biberg,J J 1749: Specimen Academicum de Oeconomia Naturae, quod etc. Praesid. Car. Linneae, publico examini modeste submittit J.J. Biberg. - \Carol. Linnaei Amoenitates Academiae, seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae etc. II: 1-58. [Mattick Rec.# 34288]
    Keywords: ECOLOGY
    Abstract: The significance of lichens in the economy of Nature
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  • Hellot 1750: l'ars de la teinture des laines et des étofes de laine du grand et du petit teint etc. - \Paris. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34289]
    Keywords: DYEING
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  • Rumphius,G E 1750: Herbarium amboinense, edita cura et studio Joannis Burmanni. - \Amsterdam. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33876]
    Abstract: 6 vols.; description of Muscus capillaris Rumph.
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  • Scheffer,H G 1750: De plantis tinctoriis, Lichene potissimum purpura tingente. - \K. Swensk. W. Acad. Handling. 1750: . [Mattick Rec.# 34290]
    Keywords: DYEING
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  • Smith,C 1750: Ancient and present state of the county of Cork. 2 tom. - \Dublin. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33486]
    Keywords: IRELAND
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  • Hill,John 1751: A History of Plants. - \Lond.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33140]
    Abstract: with notes on medicinal and other use of lichens
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  • Horrebow,N 1752: (de lich. islandico). - \Efterretninger om Island met et nyt Landkort etc. : 36. [Mattick Rec.# 34291]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
    Abstract: Cetraria islandica
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  • Linnaeus,C 1753: Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. - \Holmiae. 1-1231 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33094]
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  • Seguier,J F 1754: Plantarum, quae in agro Veronensi reperiuntur. (Vol. III) Supplementum. - \Veronae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33544]
    Keywords: ITALY
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  • Westbek,Z 1754: De colore tinctorio violaceo, qui ex Lichene foliaceo umbilicato subtus lacunoso obtinetur. - \Kongl. Swensk. Acad. Handl. Trim. I: . [Mattick Rec.# 34292]
    Keywords: DYEING
    Abstract: Lasallia pustulata?
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  • Kramer,H 1756: Elenchus vegetabilium et animalium per Austriam inferiorem observatorum. - \Viennae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33314]
    Keywords: AUSTRIA
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  • Linnaeus,C 1757: Panis diaeteticus. - \Upsal.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34293]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
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  • Schmidel,K C 1759: De Buxbaumia. - \Erlangae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34073]
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  • Watson,W 1759: An Historical Memoir concerning a Genus called Lichen etc. tending principally to illustrate their several Uses. - \Philosoph. Transactions 50, Pt. II (for 1758): 652-688. [Mattick Rec.# 33141]
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  • Jörlin,E 1760: Bahusia-Gothoburgensis, Plantae tinctoriae. - \Carol. Linnaei Amoenitates Academiae, seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae etc. V: . [Mattick Rec.# 34295]
    Keywords: DYEING
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  • Meese,D 1760: Flora Frisica. Franecker 1760. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33591]
    Keywords: NETHERLANDS
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  • Gerard,L C 1761: Flora Gallo-Provincialis. - \Paris. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33426]
    Keywords: FRANCE
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  • Grimm,J F C 1761: Synopsis methodica plantarum Isenacensium. - \Nov. Act. nat. cur. II: (appendix). [Mattick Rec.# 33315]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: Eisenach
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  • Cartheuser 1762: De lichene cinereo terrestri. - \Francofurti. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34296]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
    Abstract: Peltigera canina
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  • Hudson,W 1762: Flora Anglica. ed. 1. - : 1-8, 1-506. [Mattick Rec.# 33074]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
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  • Jacquin,N J 1762: Enumeratio stirpium plerarumque, quae sponte crescunt in agro Vindibonenis montibusque confinibus. - \Vindobonae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33316]
    Keywords: AUSTRIA
    Abstract: Vienna
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  • Sikins 1762: Dissertatio de Lichene cinereo-terrestre. - \Francofurti. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34297]
    Keywords: USE
    Abstract: Peltigera canina?
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  • Ström,H 1762: Physiske och ökonomiske beskrivelse över Sondmör Soröe. 1762-1766. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33638]
    Keywords: NORWAY
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  • Adanson,M 1763: Familles des Plantes. - \Paris. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33142]
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  • Oeder,G C 1764: Einleitung zur Kräuterkenntniss (Flora Danica). - \Kopenhagen. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34074]
    Abstract: 2 vols. with 14 pl.; morphology of lichens on Vol. 1, p. 14 and Vol. 2 p. 296
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  • Oeder,G C 1764: Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae et Norvegiae et in ducatibus Slesvici, Holsatia et Oldenburg. Hafniae, vol. I, 1764; II, 1767; III, 1779; Contin. ab Othone Fr. Müller vol. IV, 1777; V, 1782; Contin. ab Mart. Vahl vol. VI, 1792; VII, 1799; Contin. a J.W. Hornemann, vol. VIII, 1810; IX, 1818; X, 1823; XI, 1828; XII, 1834. 2560 tabulas. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33639]
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  • Desmarets 1765: Mémoire sur l'orseille, quae in Arvensis et Lemovicibus in granite lapide nascuntur. - \Ephemerid. de la généralité de Limoges 1765: . [Mattick Rec.# 34298]
    Keywords: DYEING
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  • Gouan,A 1765: Flora monspeliaca, sistens plantas Nr. 1850 ad sua genera relatas et hybrida methodo digestas. - \Lugduni. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33427]
    Keywords: FRANCE
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  • Wilke,S G 1765: Flora Gryphica. - \Greifswalde. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 23041]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: Greifswald
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  • Wulff,J C 1765: Flora Borussica denuo efflorescens auctior. - \Regiom. et Lips.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 23120]
    Keywords: PRUSSIA\RUSSIA
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  • Crantz,H J N 1766: Institutiones rei herbarii. 2 vols. - \Viennae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33241]
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  • Gunner,J E 1766: Flora norvegica. Vol. I, Nidrosiae 1766; vol. II, Hafniae 1772. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33640]
    Keywords: NORWAY
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  • Reyger,G 1766: Florae Gedanensis Tentamen. - \Gedan.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33317]
    Keywords: POLAND\PRUSSIA
    Abstract: Gdansk
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  • Gorter,D de 1767: Flora Belgica. Ultraject. 1767. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33592]
    Keywords: NETHERLANDS
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  • Linnaeus,C 1767: Mantissa plantarum I. - \Holmiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33243]
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  • Linnaeus,C 1767: Systema Naturae. Edit. XII. - \Holmiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33242]
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  • Müller,O F 1767: Flora Fridrichsdalina, s. methodica descriptio plantarum in agro Fridrichsdalino simulque per regnum Daniae crescentium. Argentati, 1767. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33641]
    Keywords: DENMARK
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  • Dillenius 1768: Historia muscorum: A General History of Land and Water etc. - \London. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33245]
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  • Haller,A von 1768: Historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae. - \Bernae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33143]
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  • Necker,N J de 1768: Deliciae gallobelgicae sylvestres. 2 vols. Argentorati 1768, 1773. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33593]
    Keywords: BELGIUM
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  • Berlin,A H 1769: Usus Muscorum, quem praeside C. v. Linne proposuit etc. - \Carol. Linnaei Amoenitates Academiae, seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae etc. VII: 370-384. [Mattick Rec.# 34300]
    Keywords: USE
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  • Scopoli,J A 1769: Lichenis islandici vires medici. - \Ann. Hist. Nat. II: 107-118. [Mattick Rec.# 34299]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
    Abstract: Cetraria islandica
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  • Wallis,J 1769: The Natural History and Antiquities of Northumberland. - \London. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33487]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
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  • Weigel,C E 1769: Flora Pomeranorugica exhib. plantas per Pomer. Suev. et Rugiam sponte nasc. - \Berlin. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 23019]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Agosti,G 1770: De re botanica tractatus, in quo eae stirpes peculiariter recensentur, quae in agro Bellunensi et Fidentino vel sponte nascenti vel arte excol. - \Belluni. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30924]
    Keywords: ITALY
    Abstract: Belluno
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  • Cranz,D 1770: Historie von Grönland enthaltend die Beschreibung des Landes und der Einwohner etc. Zweite Ausgabe. - \Barby. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34521]
    Keywords: GREENLAND
    Abstract: 3 vols. with attachment; first ed. of 1765
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  • Grimm,J F C 1770: Synopsis methodica stirpium Agri Isenacensis continuata. - \Nova Acta physic. med. Acad. Caesar. Leopold-Carolinae Nat. Curios. IV, Append. 4: 79-158. [Mattick Rec.# 34384]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: Eisenach
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  • Murray,J A 1770: Prodromus designationis stirpium Goettingensium. - Dietrich, J.C.\Goetting.. 252 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 21852]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Müller,O F 1770: Enumeratio stirpium in Islandia sponte crescentium. - \Nova Acta physic. med. Acad. Caesar. Leopold-Carolinae Nat. Curios. 4: 203-215. [Mattick Rec.# 34455]
    Keywords: ICELAND
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  • Oeder,C 1770: Enumeratio plantarum Dinicae et Norvegicae cryptantherae. Hafniae 1770. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33642]
    Keywords: DENMARK\NORWAY
    Abstract: german edition in 1770.
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  • Weis,F G 1770: Plantae cryptogamicae Florae Goettingensis. - \Göttingae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33319]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Linnaeus,C 1771: Mantissa Plantarum II. - \Holmiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33244]
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  • Necker,N J de 1771: Methodus muscorum. - \Manhemii. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33144]
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  • Schreber,J C D 1771: Spicilegium florae lipsiensis. - \Leipzig. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 22250]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Gmelin,J F 1772: Enumeratio stirpium agri Tübingensis. - \Tübingiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33320]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Reichard,J J 1772: Flora Moenofrancofurtana. - \Francofurt.. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33321]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: also 1778
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  • Scopoli,J A 1772: Flora carniolica. Edit. II, 2 vols. - \Vindobonae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33322]
    Keywords: AUSTRIA
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  • Weigel,C E 1772: Observationes botanicae. - \Greifswald. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33877]
    Abstract: description of some lichens formerly included in Sphaeriac., from genera Verrucaria, Sagedia, and other lichens
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  • Zoega,J 1772: Flora Islandica in "Eggert Olafsens og Biarne Provelsens reise igiennem Island, ander deel. Soroe 1772. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33643]
    Keywords: ICELAND
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  • Weber,F 1773: Dissert. de viribus plantarum cryptog. medicis. - \Kiliae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34301]
    Keywords: MEDICINE
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  • Weigel,C E 1773: (Flora Pomeranorugica) Supplementum. - \Gryphiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33318]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Gleditsch 1774: Einleitung in die neuere Forstwissenschaft. - \. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34338]
    Keywords: DAMAGE
    Abstract: I, p. 31: effect of lichens on tree
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  • Houttuyn,M 1774: Naturlyke historie, oft uitvorige beschryving der dieren, planten en mineraalen. - \Amsterdam 1774-1783. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33246]
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  • Linnaeus,C 1774: Systema Vegetabilium .. - \Gottingae et Gothae. 1-844 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33095]
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  • Necker,N J 1774: Physiologia Muscorum. - \Mannheim. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34075]
    Abstract: p. 13, 15-18 on lichens
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