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Nash, TH, III (ed.) 1996: Lichen Biology. - Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 303 pp. [RLL List # 162 / Rec.# 13398]
Abstract: many figures and tables [This new introductory text is multi-authored and contains thirteen chapters: 1. Introduction (T. H. Nash III); 2. Photobionts (T. Friedl & B. Büdel); 3. Mycobionts (R. Honegger); 4. Thallus morphology and anatomy (B. Büdel & C. Scheidegger); 5. Morphogenesis (R. Honegger); 6. Photosynthesis, respiration, productivity and growth (T. H. Nash III); 7. Nitrogen, its metabolism and potential contribution to ecosystems (T. H. Nash III); 8. Nutrients, elemental accumulation and mineral cycling (T. H. Nash III); 9. Biochemistry and secondary metabolites (J. A. Elix); 10. Individuals, populations and population ecology; 11. Lichen biogeography (D. J. Galloway); 12. Systematics, phylogeny and classification (A. Tehler); 13. Lichens as indicators of air pollution (C. Gries).]

[Email correction]

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