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Navrotskaya, IL/ Kondratyuk, SY/ Wasser, SP/ Nevo, E/ Zelenko, SD 1996: Lichens and lichenicolous fungi new for Israel and other countries. - Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 44: 181-196. [RLL List # 168 / Rec.# 13462]
Abstract: [New: Lichenochora wasseri S. Kondr. sp. nov. (on Caloplaca citrina, Israel and Sweden). New to Israel: Arthopyrenia punctiformis, Bactrospora patellarioides, Caloplaca saxicola, C. ulcerosa, Lempholemma chalazanellum, Lichenothelia scopularia, Maronea constans, Micarea nitschkeana, Opegrapha rufescens, O. vulgata var. subsiderella, Physcia caesia, Schismatomma pericleum, Thelenella modesta, Arthonia molendoi, Endococcus parietinarius, Guignardia olivieri, Opegrapha physciaria, Zwackhiomyces coepulonus.]

[Email correction]

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