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Servit, M 1949: Nove nebo mene zname druhy lisejnikove celedi Verrucariaceae. Species Verrucariacearum (Lichenes) novae vel minus cognitae. - Sbornik Narodniho Musea v Praze 5(9): 1-51. [RLL List # 2 / Rec.# 17099]
Abstract: [New: Verrucaria alani (Serv.) comb. nov. and fo. likana (Serv.) comb. nov., V. anemoides sp. nov., V. apomelaena var. arnoldiana var. nov., V. asperula sp. nov., V. barrandei sp. nov. and fo. albofissa fo. nov., fo. subgranulata fo. nov., V. bisagonoinsis sp. nov., V. boccana sp. nov., V. buellioides nom. nov., V. cataleptoides fo. catalepitza fo. nov. and fo. margolae fo. nov., V. cinereolimbata sp. nov., V. controversa fo. algerica fo. nov., V. corticola sp. nov., V. deminuta sp. nov., V. echinocarpa sp. nov., V. ferratensis sp. nov., V. fusca fo. corticola (Arn.) comb. nov., V. fuscoatroides sp. nov., V. fuscovelutina sp. nov., V. hemisphaerica sp. nov., V. hilitzeriana sp. nov., V. krempelhuberi var. linkana var. nov., V. lacunosa sp. nov., V. lamyana sp. nov., V. latebrosoides sp. nov., V. latzelii sp. nov., V. lignorum sp. nov., V. luctuosa sp. nov., V. macrostomoides sp. nov., V. metzleri sp. nov., V. monguilloni sp. nov., V. nigrofusca sp. nov., V. opiziana sp. nov., V. porocyphoides sp. nov., V. rtanjensis sp. nov., V. sorbicola sp. nov., V. stenhammari (Serv.) comb. nov., V. subdentritica nom. nov. et comb. nov., V. subdollosa sp. nov., V. turgida sp. nov.]

[Email correction]

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