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Servit, M 1950: The new lichens of the Pyrenocarpae-group III. - Studia Bot. Cechoslovaka 11(1-2): 7-41. [RLL List # 2 / Rec.# 17103]
Abstract: 2 pl. [New: Thelidium zenogense (Zsch.) comb. nov., Verrucaria aemula sp. nov., V. alpicola fo. abbreviata fo. nov., V. andesiata sp. nov., V. applanata fo. hoverlae fo. nov., V. basaltica sp. nov., V. borealis sp. nov., V. cernohorskyi sp. nov., V. denudata fo. mougeotii (Zsch.) comb. nov., V. denudata fo. nudata fo. nov., V. denudata fo. tegularis (Lahm) comb. nov., V. elaeomeaena fo. denudatoides sp. nov., V. franconia (Zsch.) comb. nov., V. granitica sp. nov., V. kremmleri sp. nov., V. lavae sp. nov., V. lyngei sp. nov., V. malmei sp. nov., V. margacea var. subochracea var. nov., V. pachyderma fo. pisina fo. nov., V. pachyderma fo. corontica fo. nov., V. praetermissa fo. crassiuscula fo. nov., fo. clausa fo. nov., fo. fennica fo. nov., V. rechingerii sp. nov., V. pseudoambigua sp. nov., V. rhodesia sp. nov., V. sagedioides sp. nov., V. schuleri sp. nov., V. silicicola (Zsch.) comb. nov. and fo. coniocarpa (Zsch.) comb. nov., V. tatrensis sp. nov.]

[Email correction]

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