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Servit, M 1950: The new lichens of the Pyrenocarpae-group IV. - Studia Bot. Cechoslovaka 11(3): 101-144. [RLL List # 2 / Rec.# 17104]
Abstract: 63 fig. [New: Verrucaria calkinsiana sp. nov., V. iovensis sp. nov., V. jerusalemica sp. nov., V. muricola sp. nov., V. reculetensis sp. nov., V. ampezzana sp. nov., V. arenzanoensis sp. nov., V. caecula sp. nov., V. caliacrensis sp. nov., V. cincta var. subcinta (Nyl.) comb. nov., V. confluens fo. subalbicans (Leight.) comb. nov. with fo. tofacea fo. nov., V. corcontica sp. nov., V. eusebii sp. nov., V. griseorubens fo. squamiformis fo. nov., fo. weddelliana fo. nov., V. hypophaea (Steiner & Zahlbr.) comb. nov., V. inornata sp. nov., V. lacerata sp. nov., V. mimicrans sp. nov., V. montettensis sp. nov., V. olivascens sp. nov., V. ornata sp. nov., V. pustulifera sp. nov., V. rapallensis sp. nov., V. rupestris fo. variabilis (Kremp.) comb. nov., with fo. plivicensis fo. nov., V. sbarbaronis fo. emersa (Steiner) comb. nov., V. selecta sp. nov., V. slovaca sp. nov., V. sparsula var. evoluta var. nov., V. teguloxena sp. nov., Thelidium conicinnum (Körb.) comb. nov., T. congregatum (Hepp) comb. nov., T. dufourii var. alpinum var. nov., fo. endocalicium fo. nov., var. mojstranese var. nov., fo. infuscatum fo. nov., f. rehmii fo. nov., var. ilacinofuscum (Kremp.) comb. nov., var. punctulatum var. nov., var. lovcenense var. nov., fo. fuscescens fo. nov., var. pseudorupestre var. nov., var. subdecussatum var. nov., T. jodophilum (Serv.) comb. nov., T. lapadense sp. nov., T. limitatum fo. hungarica fo. nov., fo. myriocarpoides fo. nov., var. omblensis (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., T. maculiforme (Kremp.) comb. nov., T. metzlerianum sp. nov., T. montissanoti sp. nov., T. pinguiculum fo. areolatum fo. nov., fo. roseolividum fo. nov., T. subcalcarium sp. nov., T. velutinoide (Hellb.) comb. nov. and var. moravicum (Serv.) comb. nov.]

[Email correction]

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