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van den Boom, PPG/ Breuss, O/ Spier, L/ Brand, AM 1996: Beitrag zur Flechtenflora Kärntens Ergebnisse der Feldtagung der Bryologischen und Lichenologischen Arbeitsgruppe der KNNV in Weissbriach 1994. - Linzer Biologische Beitrage 28(2): 619-654. [RLL List # 168 / Rec.# 19261]
Abstract: [Lists 647 lichens and 24 lichenicolous fungi, of which 21 are new to Austria: Aspicilia epiglypta, Bacidia biatorina, Catillaria picila, Catinaria laureri, Diplotomma ambiguum, Echinothecium cladoniae, Fuscidea arboricola, F. pusilla, Involucropyrenium tremniacense, Lecanora persimilis, Lepraria eburnea, L. nylanderiana, Micarea coppinsii, Polyblastia gothica, Pyreneocollema argilospilum, Sclerococcum simplex, Scutula solorinaria, Taeniolella phaeophysciae, Thelocarpon coccosporum, Toninia coelestina, and Verrucaria lignorum.]

[Email correction]

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