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van den Boom, PPG/ Giralt, M 1996: Contribution to the flora of Portugal, lichens and lichenicolous fungi I. - Nova Hedwigia 63(1-2): 145-172. [RLL List # 167 / Rec.# 19265]
Abstract: 1 fig. 2 tab. [New to Portugal: Abrothallus parmotrematis, Absconditella lignicola, Anisomeridum nyssaegenum, Bacidia caligans, Biatora carneoalbida, Biatoridium monasteriense, Caloplaca lucifuga, C. pollinii, Catapyrenium imbricatum, Catillaria atomarioides, Collema latzelii, Japewia subaurifera, Lauderlindsaya acroglypta, Lecanora jamesii, L. lividocinerea, L. meridionalis, Lepraria caesioalba, L. lesdainii, L. lobificans, L. nivalis, L. nylanderiana, Leptogium magnussonii, Physcia scopulorum, Psora gresinonis, Rimularia gyrizans, Scoliciosporum gallurae, Sphinctrina leucopoda, Strigula mediterranea, Thelopsis rubella, Tomasellia gelatinosa, Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa.]

[Email correction]

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