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Sliwa, L 1998: Antropogeniczne Przemiany Lichenoflory Beskidu Sadeckiego [Anthropogenic Changes in the Lichen Flora of the Beskid Sadecki Mts. (Southern Poland).]. - Prace Botaniczne [Botanical Papers], 31, Nakladem Instytutu Botaniki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego [Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University], Kraków. 158 pp. [RLL List # 195 / Rec.# 25376]
Abstract: 41 fig. 4 tab. [Results of field work carried out in 1989-1991 are compared to data from the 1960's and 1970's. "The results from the study confirmed the occurrence of 265 taxa out of total 422 of all lichens ever recorded in this area."]

[Email correction]

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