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Moseley, R.K./ Pitner, A. 1996: Rare Bryophytes and Lichens in Idaho: Status of Our Knowledge. - Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise. 50 pp. [RLL List # 253 / Rec.# 40262]
Abstract: The compilation and dissemination of information regarding rare cryptogams in Idaho has lagged far behind that for vascular plants. The Conservation Data Center (CDC) has been actively researching sources of information on rare mosses, liverworts, and lichens for several years, including an extensive, computerized literature search for rare species done in 1992 (methods described in Moseley et al . 1992. Idaho Rare Vascular Flora: Bibliography, 1896-1991. GTR- INT-292. USDA, Forest Service, Ogden, UT). Because of the large workload associated with vascular plants we were never able to computerize the rare bryophyte and lichen populations into our rare species occurrence data base, or the numerous references into the bibliographic data base. To rectify this, the Idaho BLM provided funding in 1995 to put rare bryophytes and lichens on par with vascular species. This report represents a summary of the information we compiled. It is organized into four main sections. The first presents the status of our knowledge of rare Idaho bryophytes (mosses and liverworts). It includes a current list of rare species in the state, with conservation ranks and county distributions, and a printout from the CDC data base for all reported Idaho occurrences of some of the rare species. The second section, covering rare lichens, is similar to the bryophyte section. A short Conclusions and Recommendations section follows these two. Finally, we present output from our bibliographic data base of all references pertaining to bryophytes and lichens that we have on file. These citations represent a broad range of material, including sources specific to Idaho’s rare species, general articles on nonvascular plant conservation, air quality monitoring, ecological studies, and others.

Countries/Continents: U.S.A./North America


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