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Dodge, CW 1965: Lichenological notes on the flora of the Antarctic Continent and the subantarctic islands VI. New taxa from the Antarctic Continent and adjacent islands. - Trans. Amer. Microscop. Soc. 84: 507-529. [RLL List # 58 / Rec.# 4450]
Abstract: [New: Polyblastia antarctica sp. nov., Heppia (Heterina) stereocauloides sp. nov., Latzelia antarctica sp. nov., Siphulina gen. nov., Psoroma follmannii sp. nov., P. bryanti sp. nov., Bacidia skottsbergii sp. nov., Biatorella austroshetlandica sp. nov., Biatorellopsis gen. nov., B. leotoides sp. nov., Acarospora (Xanthothallia) emergens sp. nov., A. (Phaeothallia) tyleri sp. nov., L. laeta sp. nov., L. llanoi sp. nov., L. siplei sp. nov., Candelariella rudolphii sp. nov., Usnea crassa Zammuto sp. nov., U. pseudofruticosa Zammuto sp. nov., Protoblastenia austroshetlandica sp. nov., Caloplaca skottsbergii sp. nov., Gasparrinia adarensis sp. nov., G. hookeri sp. nov., Polycaulonia murrayi sp. nov., Buellia albofimbriata sp. nov., Rinodina (Placothallia) molholmi sp. nov., R. (P.) rudolphi sp. nov., and Physcia llanoi sp. nov.]

[Email correction]

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