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Dodge, CW 1966: New lichens from Chile. - Nova Hedwigia 12: 307-352. [RLL List # 63 / Rec.# 4456]
Abstract: [New: Porina (Segestria) chilena sp. nov., Pseudopyrenula (Homalothecium) follmanni sp. nov., Melanothecopsis gen. nov., M. follmanni sp. nov., M. diffusa (Leight.) comb. nov., M. coarctella (Stirt.) comb. nov., M. sinensis (Krempelh.) comb. nov., M. subpuncta (Nyl.) comb. nov., Arthonia follmanni sp. nov., Arthothelium chilense sp. nov., A. follmanni sp. nov., A. tigrense sp. nov., Opegrapha atacamensis sp. nov., O. decussata sp. nov., O. eulychniae sp. nov., O. euphorbiae sp. nov., O. follmanni sp. nov., O. oxalidis sp. nov., O. tigrensis sp. nov., O. zapallarensis sp. nov., Melaspilia atacamensis sp. nov., M. coquimbensis sp. nov., Gymnographopsis gen. nov., G. chilena sp. nov., Graphis follmanni sp. nov., G. zapallarensis sp. nov., Medusulina chilena sp. nov., Enterographa atacamensis sp. nov., E. follmanni sp. nov., Dirinastrum chilenum sp. nov., Arthoniactis (Vain.) stat. nov., A. ostrearum (Vain.) comb. nov., A. gibbosa (Vain.) comb. nov., A. chilena sp. nov., Lecanactis follmanni sp. nov., Schismatomma atacamense sp. nov., S. fuegiensis sp. nov., Melampidium chilenum sp. nov., M. follmanni sp. nov., Thelotrema osorense sp. nov., Psoroma isidiosum sp. nov., Cyanisticta thaxteri sp. nov., Biatorina coccinea sp. nov., Follmannia gen. nov., F. rufa sp. nov., Lopadium minutum sp. nov., Maronea siplei sp. nov., Melanaria atacamae sp. nov., Lecanina chilena sp. nov., Lecanora frazieri sp. nov., L. ossicola sp. nov., Lecania andina sp. nov., L. hookeri sp. nov., Thamnolecania fuegiensis sp. nov., Haematomma chilena sp. nov., Candelariella fuegiensis sp. nov., C. ossicola sp. nov., Parmelia (Xanthoparmelia) fuegiensis sp. nov., P. (X.) scholanderi sp. nov., Caloplaca jorgensis sp. nov., Candelariopsis chilena sp. nov., Buellia (Diploicia) coquimbensis sp. nov., B. (D.) follmanni sp. nov., B. (D.) taltalensis sp. nov., Physcia ? ossicola sp. nov.]

[Email correction]

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