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Dodge, CW 1968: Lichenological notes on the flora of the Antarctic Continent and the subantarctic islands. VII and VIII. - Nova Hedwigia 15: 285-332. [RLL List # 72 / Rec.# 4457]
Abstract: [New: Porina macquariensis sp. nov., Phyllopyrenia macquariensis sp. nov., Lecidea haysomi sp. nov., Bacidia (Bilimbia) maquariensis sp. nov., Stereocaulon macquariense sp. nov., Lecanora prolifera sp. nov., Phlyctis macquariensis sp. nov., Parmelia (Amphigymnia) haysomi sp. nov., Blastenia macquariensis sp. nov., Caloplaca macquariensis sp. nov., Physcia macquariensis sp. nov., Verrucaria antarctica sp. nov., V. siplei sp. nov., Thelidiola gen. nov., T. caloplacae (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., T. eklundi sp. nov., Thelidium llanoi sp. nov., T. minutum sp. nov., Thelidiopsis siplei sp. nov., Trimmatothelopsis antarctica sp. nov., Dermatocarpon (Entosthelia) antarcticum sp. nov., D. racovitzae sp. nov., Heterocarpon follmanni sp. nov., Massalongia antarctica sp. nov., Placynthiopsis follmanni sp. nov., Peltigera antarctica sp. nov., Catillaria eklundi sp. nov., Rhizocarpon schofieldi sp. nov., Llanoa gen. nov., L. cerebriformis (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Eklundia gen. nov., E. antarctica sp. nov., Biatorellopsis eklundi sp. nov., Acarospora knowlesii sp. nov., A. (Phaeothallia) siplei sp. nov., Lecanidium antarcticum sp. nov., L. siplei sp. nov., Aspicilia glacialis sp. nov., Squamarina antarctica sp. nov., Lecania schofieldi sp. nov., Parmelia (Physcioideae) rennellii sp. nov., P. (Hypotrachynae) starri sp. nov., Blastenia follmanni sp. nov., B. tyleri sp. nov., Kuttlingeria siplei sp. nov., Caloplaca racovitzae sp. nov., C. schofieldi sp. nov., Polycaulonia leechii sp. nov., Buellia australissima sp. nov., B. llanoi sp. nov., B. nigricans sp. nov., B. stipitata sp. nov., Rinodina stipitata sp. nov., Physcia (Dirinaria) autenboeri sp. nov.]

[Email correction]

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