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Wright, D. 1996: The Cetraria merrillii Club. - Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 3(1): 14. [RLL List # 275 / Rec.# 44631]
Abstract: On the CALS field trip to Inverness Ridge at the Pt. Reyes Seashore, I was introducing the group to what I still believe is Kaernefeltia californica while another seasoned observer was suggesting it was K. merrillii and a third had reached the conclusion it was Nodobryoria. I sent an E-mail S.O.S. to Ernie Broda regarding the distinctions between Kaernefeltia (Cetraria, Tuckermannopsis) merrillii, Kaernefeltia (Cetraria, Cornicularia) californica, and Nodobryoria (Byroria) abbreviata (I have still not got around to sending him the collection). He kindly answered with the following which I thought the readers of the Bulletin would enjoy. It is reproduced with his permission:

Countries/Continents: U.S.A./North America


[Email correction]

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