Krog, H 1991: Lichenological observations in low montane rainforests of eastern Tanzania. - In: Galloway, DJ (ed.): Tropical Lichens: Their Systematics, Conservation, and Ecology. . The Systematics Association Special Volume, Clarendon Press, Oxford pp. 85-94. [RLL List # / Rec.# 10534] Keywords: MONTANE RAINFORESTS/ PARMOTREMA/ TANZANIA/ TROPICAL
Abstract: 2 fig. [New: Parmotrema fragilescens sp. nov., P. laciniatulum sp. nov. New to Africa: Erioderma leylandii and Relicina planiuscula. New to continental Africa: Menegazzia terebrata, Phyllopsora mauritiana, Stereocaulon fibrillosum. New to East Africa: Cladia aggregata, Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa, Siphula decumbens.]