Rambold, G/ Triebel, D 1990: Gelatinopsis, Geltingia and Phaeopyxis: three helotialean genera with lichenicolous species. - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh46(3): 375-389. [RLL List # / Rec.# 15271] Keywords: GELATINOPSIS/ GELTINGIA/ HELIOTIALES/ LICHENICOLOUS/ NESOLECHIA/ PEZIZELLA/ PHACOPSIS/ PHAEOPYXIS/ SKYTTELLA/ UNGUICULARIOPSIS
Abstract: 4 fig. 1 tab. [New: Gelatinopsis nom. nov. (for Micropyxis Seeler, nom. illeg.), G. ericetorum (Körber) comb. nov., G. geoglossi (J. B. Ellis & Everhart) comb. nov., Phaeopxis gen. nov., P. australis sp. nov., P. carniolica comb. nov., P. punctum (Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins comb. nov., P. varia Coppins, Rambold & Triebel sp. nov., Unguiculariopsis refractiva (Coppins) Coppins comb. nov., U. lettaui (Grummann) Coppins comb. nov. The species now placed in Gelatinopsis, Geltingia, and Phaeopyxis were mostly previously included in Nesolechia or Phacopsis. Includes a tabular comparison of the seven heliotialean genera with lichenicolous/hepaticolous species and a key to the lichenicolous species therein.]