Brodo, IM 1991: Studies in the lichen genus Ochrolechia. 2. Corticolous species of North America. - Canadian Journal of Botany69(4): 733-772. [RLL List # / Rec.# 2474] Keywords: NORTH AMERICA/ OCHROLECHIA/ PERTUSARIACEAE
Abstract: 18 fig. 21 maps. 9 tab. [Detailed taxonomic and chemical study of the corticolous North American species of Ochrolechia. Nineteen species are accepted; descriptions, illustrations, distribution maps, and a key for their identification are provided. New: Ochrolechia antillarum sp. nov., O. gowardii sp. nov., O. montana sp. nov., O. juvenalis sp. nov., O. pseudopallescens sp. nov., O. subisidiata sp. nov., O. trochophora var. pruinirosella var. nov.]