Galloway, DJ/ James, PW 1987: Metus, a new austral lichen genus and notes on an Australasian species of Pycnothelia. - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh44(3): 561-579. [RLL List # / Rec.# 6228] Keywords: AUSTRALIA/ CHILE/ CLADONIACEAE/ METUS/ NEW ZEALAND/ PYCNOTHELIA/ TASMANIA
Abstract: 8 fig. [New: Metus gen. nov., M. conglomeratus (F. Wilson) comb. nov., M. pileatus (Mont.) comb. nov., M. efflorescens sp. nov., Pycnothelia caliginosa sp. nov. The new genus belongs to the Cladoniaceae where it is most closely allied with Pycnothelia.]