Henssen, A 1991: Omphalodiella patagonica, a new peltate lichen genus and species from South America. - Lichenologist23(4): 333-342. [RLL List # / Rec.# 8349] Keywords: OMPHALODIELLA/ OMPHALODIUM/ PATAGONIA/ PELTATE/ RHIZOPLACA/ SOUTH AMERICA
Abstract: 20 fig. ["Omphalodiella patagonica henssen gen. et sp. nov. is described from two Patagonian localities in Argentina. In habit the new lichen resembles some species of Acarospora in having brown, peltate thalli less than 3 mm wide with immersed apothecia. The ontogeny and structure of the apothecia and pycnidia correspond, however, to genera of the Parmeliaceae."]