Henssen, A 1992: Thallus morphology and apothecial development in Omphalodium pisacomense and Omphalora arizonica (Parmeliaceae). - Lichenologist24(1): 27-41. [RLL List # / Rec.# 8351] Keywords: GYPSOPLACA/ OMPHALODIELLA/ OMPHALODIUM/ OMPHALORA/ PARMELIACEAE/ RHIZOPLACA
Abstract: 38 fig. ["Studies of the ascocarp ontogeny demonstrated the affiliation of Omphalodium and Omphalora to Parmeliaceae s. lat. In both genera, pycnidia and apothecia arise in the upper cortex, being differentiated entirely by cortical hyphae. The parmelioid development of the apothecia differs in the two genera."]