Tibell, L 1978: Lavordningen Caliciales i Sverige. Slaktena Chaenotheca och Coniocybe. [The lichen order Caliciales in Sweden. The genera Chaenotheca and Coniocybe. - Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift72: 171-188. [RLL List # 103-91 / Rec.# 18599] Keywords: SWEDEN/ CALICIALES/ CHAENOTHECA/ CONIOCYBE/ KEY
Abstract: 22 figures. [12 species of Chaenotheca and 8 species of Coniocybe are recognized; keys. Chaenotheca laevigata Nadv., C. xyloxena Nadv. and Coniocybe coniophaea Norm. are reported for the first time from Sweden.]