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Culberson, CF/ Ahmadjian, V 1980: Artificial reestablishment of lichens. II. Secondary products of resynthesized Cladonia cristatella and Lecanora chrysoleuca. - Mycologia 72: 90-109. [RLL List # 106-15 / Rec.# 3721]
Abstract: 12 figures. 1 table. ["Successful resynthesis of the Cladonia cristatella mycobiont with its normal phycobiont and with Trebouxia isolates from 12 other species of lichens all produced the characteristic depside barbatic acid as the major secondary product. No characteristic lichen products were found in cultures of the C. cristatella mycobiont either alone, under a variety of cultural conditions, or mixed with Pseudotrebouxia phycobionts under the same conditions that led to the successful resynthesis with Trebouxia phycobionts. The production of characteristic lichen products is affected primarily by the establishment of a successful symbiosis and secondarily by as yet poorly defined environmental factors. The formation of many characteristic lichen products may involve algal inhibition of fungal enzymes."]

[Email correction]

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