Ahti, T 1980: Nomenclatural notes on Cladonia species. - Lichenologist12: 125-133. [RLL List # 107-3 / Rec.# 312] Keywords: CLADONIA/ NOMENCLATURE/ NEW TAXA
Abstract: [New: Cladonia cervicornis subsp. verticillata (Hoffm.) comb. nov., C. anomaea (Ach.) Ahti & P. James, comb. nov. (synonym: C. pityrea); C. conoidea sp. nov. (synonym: C. conistea Delise) Asah.); additional detailed notes on Cladonia bacilliformis (Nyl.) Gluck, C. portentosa (Dufour) Coem., C. conista (Nyl.) Robbins, C. bacillaris Nyl., C. coniocraea auct. and C. ochrochlora. Cladonia glaucopallida Vain. is the correct name for C. gorgonia sensu des Abb. and Ahti; C. gorgonea Eschw. is a synonym of Cladia aggregata (Swartz) Nyl.]