Galloway, DJ/ James, PW 1980: Nomenclatural notes on Pseudocyphellaria in New Zealand. - Lichenologist12: 291-303. [RLL List # 109-22 / Rec.# 6224] Keywords: PSEUDOCYPHELLARIA/ NEW TAXA/ NOMENCLATURE/ NEW ZEALAND
Abstract: 2 figures. [Notes on 30 taxa of the 40 now known for New Zealand. New: Pseudocyphellaria coerulescens (Mont.) comb. nov., P. condensata (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., P. coriacea (Hook. f. & Taylor) comb. nov., P. delisea (Fee) comb. nov., P. dissimilis (Nyl.) comb. nov., P. hookeri (Church Bab.) comb. nov., P. lividofusca (Krempelh.) comb. nov., P. multifida (Laurer) comb. nov., P. poculifera (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., P. psilophylla (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., P. pubsescens (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., P. montagnei (Church Bab.) comb. nov., and P. rubella (Hook. f. & Taylor) comb. nov. Many taxa are reduced to synonymy.]