Sala, T/ Sargent, MV/ Elix, JA 1981: Depsidone synthesis. Part 15. New metabolites of the lichen Buellia canescens (Dicks.) De Not: novel phthalide catabolites of depsidones. - Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions I1981: 849-854. [RLL List # 110-81 / Rec.# 16146] Keywords: CHEMISTRY/ DEPSIDONE/ SYNTHESIS/ BUELLIA/ AUSTRALIA/ DECHLORODIPLOICIN/ BUELLOLIDE/ CANESOLIDE
Abstract: Many figures. [New compounds are dechlorodiploicin and its methyl ether, buellolide, and canesolide. Substances were extracted from specimens from Mystery Bay, New South Wales, Australia.]