Lawrey, JD 1981: Evidence for competitive release in simplified saxicolous lichen communities. - American Journal of Botany68: 1066-1073. [RLL List # 111-50 / Rec.# 11197] Keywords: COMPETITIVE RELEASE/ ECOLOGY/ NICHE/ PSEUDOPARMELIA/ XANTHOPARMELIA/ VIRGINIA/ SAXICOLOUS
Abstract: 6 tables. 2 figures. [Study conducted on two Potomic River island habitats. "An examination of niche breadth and position along a light intensity gradient demonstrated that P. baltimorensis was most frequent at low light intensities and X. conspersa was most frequent at highlight intensities. However, X. conspersa exhibited a niche shift toward intermediate light intensities in the species-poor community, likely the result of reduced competitor diversity in this community since the intermediate light intensities supported the greatest number of species in the species-rich community."]