Krog, H/ Swinscow, TDV 1981: Parmelia subgenus Amphigymnia (lichens) in East Africa. - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany Series9: 143-231. [RLL List # 112-39 / Rec.# 10488] Keywords: PARMELIA/ PARMOTREMA/ AMPHIGYMNIA/ EAST AFRICA/ NEW TAXA/ KEY
Abstract: 31 figures. 13 tables. [Detailed treatment of seventy species; key. New: Parmelia aprica sp. nov., P. durumae sp. nov., P. indoafra nom. nov. for Parmotrema indicum Hale, P. jacarandicola sp. nov., P. kwalensis sp. nov., P. leonis sp. nov., P. pardii sp. nov., P. pigmentifera sp. nov., P. rava sp. nov., P. taitae sp. nov., P. tsavoensis sp. nov., P. umbrosa sp. nov., and P. vivida sp. nov. More than 25 taxa are reduced to synonymy.]