Hertel, H 1981: Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flechtenfamilie Lecideaceae VIII. - Herzogia5: 449-463. [RLL List # 113-38 / Rec.# 8444] Keywords: LECIDEACEAE/ NEW TAXA/ LEPIDOMA/ TRAPELIOPSIS/ LECIDOMA/ FUSCIDEA
Abstract: 2 figures. [Several taxa are reduced to synonymy and new localities are reported for other Lecideaceae. New: Trapeliopsis hainanensis sp. nov., T. subconcolor (Anzi) comb. nov., Lecidoma G. Schneider & Hertel, nom. nov for Lepidoma (Ach.) S. Gray; L. demissum G. Schneider & Hertel, comb. nov.; and Fuscidea lowensis (H. Magn.) R. A. Anderson & H. Hertel, comb nov.]