Honegger, R/ Brunner, U 1981: Sporopollenin in the cell walls of Coccomyxa and Myrmecia phycobionts of various lichens: an ultrastructural and chemical investigation. - Canadian Journal of Botany59: 2713-2734. [RLL List # 113-39 / Rec.# 8694] Keywords: SPOROPOLLENIN/ PHYCOBIONT/ COCCOMYXA/ MYRMECIA/ BAEOMYCES/ SYMBIOSIS/ CELL WALL/ CHEMISTRY/ ULTRASTRUCTURE/ TEM
Abstract: 31 figures. 1 table. [Phycobionts were isolated from Baeomyces rufus (Myrmecia) and five ascomycete and basidiomycete lichens (Coccomyxa). "The type of wall structure affords protection against fungal parasitism and may be a significant factor in the success of some lichens and some other symbiotic systems."]