Tibell, L 1979: Caliciales Exsiccatae, distributed by the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden. Fasc. II (No. 26-50). - Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden4: 1-9. [RLL List # 114-79 / Rec.# 18601] Keywords: CALICIALES/ NEW TAXA/ CALICIUM/ CHAENOTHECOPSIS/ PHAEOCALICIUM
Abstract: [Labels for numbers 26-50 in this exsiccat. New: Calicium queenslandiae (F. Wils. in Bailey) comb. nov., Chaenothecopsis nana sp. nov., C. vainioana (Nadv.) comb. nov., and Phaeocalicium polyporaeum (Nyl.) comb. nov.]